
Friday, August 5, 2011

Sight - First Attempt

Most animals are born blind.  They emerge trembling into a world of strange darkness.  It is not the darkness that had shrouded the sorcerey of their development.  No, this darkness is large, airy, and distant.  They are born squirming with nothing but the touch of their mother to anchor their place in the new reality.

We are born with our eyes open.  Almost immediatly after we spring upon this world, the light and vision of our startling reality pours in upon us.  We are given no buffer between our new empty souls and the terrible vastness of our universe.  We look out into an old world from a brand new perspective, and the first meaning of our world is the face of our mother.

Our eyes should only truly close once.  We should never stop letting the universe pour into us, filling us, rinsing the out the clutter of the small world we keep in our minds, and carrying with it the life giving breath of novelty.  We should never shut out this stream.  Even in our dreams, our eyes should welcome the visions, the reflection of our world that swirl around our minds when we are truly open.

What a shame it is that so few of us actually greet the wonder of life with our eyes open.  What a waste the wonder of being is on we who go about with our eyes down-cast, and our hearts closed to the ungraspable vision of this perplexing reality.  There can be no greater crime than shutting out that which begs to be held within our gaze.  No sin could be more dire than to reject the gift of sight bestowed upon us by the universe that greeted our very first awakening with a shower of lumniscent gifts.

Yet, there are so few that truly look out upon the world.  Instead, we are persuaded, begged, and bullied into shutting it all out.  We are warned and frightened away from looking upon unfamiliar sights and new visions.  We accept the lie that there is nothing new under the sun, and, falling in with our self-blinded leaders, we trade our birth-right for blindness.  We accept that greatest imaginable curse with eagerness, and we believe the lie that the universe is small and certain.

How can a person go about for scores of years and countless days with his eyes open yet see nothing.   What fear beguiles us into the surrender of that great gift that separates us from our beastly cousins.

It is not fear that shuts our eyes.  It is not righteousness that blinds us.  No.  It is greed.  It is jealousy that makes us avert our eyes and convince others to also turn away.  Our great gluttony for touch drives us to render void all that is not within our reach.  Only by screwing our eyes tightly closed may we finally forget that some wonders and terrors of this world may not be held within our hands.

(ugh....this is going nowhere)

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